Give Your Existing Pool a New Life
Triton can also work their magic with your existing pool.
Pool renovations may include:
- Wok pots
- Waterfalls
- New paver deck
- New pool tile and interiors
- New landscaping
- New decking
- Outdoor fireplaces and fire pits
The pool remodel below included adding a 2-step tiled raised deck area on the rear side of pool with two spill-over wok pots, new Artistic paver deck, new pool tile, and new Diamond Brite Midnight Blue pool interior. Triton also replaced the existing siding glass doors with new French doors, removed the wood upper balcony handrails and deck and replaced them with custom welded aluminum handrail and added a spiral staircase from the balcony to the pool deck. Triton finished the job with completely new landscaping.